Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Federal Judge Won't Bail Out Paxton's Anti-Syrian Sentiments

The refugee-phobic maneuverings of the Texas government, spearheaded by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, have reached another cul-de-sac in the political process. As reported by The Austin American-Statesman, a federal judge on monday ruled against Paxton and Gov. Abbot's attempts to obstruct the federally mandated Syrian refugee resettlement program via the courts. In his ruling, U.S. District Judge David Godbey stated that the issue is not one to be decided by the judiciary, and further noted the irony that “Texas, perhaps the reddest of red states, asks a federal court to stick its judicial nose into this political morass, where it does not belong absent statutory authorization.” Kudos to Judge Godbey for calling out a gimmick when he see's it. It's doubtful that Paxton will let the matter rest, but it's nice to see that systematic xenophobia perhaps isn't as easy to pull off as it used to be. 

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